Artist:  Arnait Video Productions
Title:  Qulliq (oil Lamp)

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Summary:  Members of Arnait Ikkajurtigiit utilize the "new" technology of video to joyfully re-enact an older technology: the ritual of Qulliq or lighting of the seal oil lamp. They tell the story in song

Artist:  Arnait Video Productions
Title:  "Qulliq (oil Lamp)"
Language:  Inuktituk with English subtitles
Year:  1992
Runtime:  17 minutes 18 seconds
Size:  60.5 MB
Summary:  Members of Arnait Ikkajurtigiit utilize the "new" technology of video to joyfully re-enact an older technology: the ritual of Qulliq or lighting of the seal oil lamp. They tell the story in song

About Arnait Video Productions

Arnait Video Productions (Women's Video Workshop) : Arnait Video Productions has been producing video since 1991. It is a collective of Inuit women from Igloolik who express their values and views through a medium that allow them to share their stories with their community and with a larger audience. Mary Kunuk For my video, I had thought about many things, but the idea of the nightmare - Aqtuqsi - kept coming back and this intersted me more and more. I received a grant to do computer drawings and animation. I have never thought about whether or not I am a real artist, because I don't know much about carving. There are many ways you can be an artist.