Artist: Skawennati Tricia Fragnito
Title: "Imagining Indians in the 25th Century"
Year: 2000
Runtime: x minutes x seconds
Size: x MB
About Skawennati Tricia Fragnito
Skawennati is an artist, writer and independent curator who is
currently focused on creating projects for the World Wide Web,
which, she believes, is an extraordinary art delivery system.
Projects have included CyberPowWow, a virtual gallery and chat
space; Imagining Indians in the 25th Century, a web-based paper
doll/time-travel journal; and her current obsession, 80 Minutes,
80 Movies, 80s Music. In 1994, Skawennati co-founded Nation to
Nation, a First Nations artist collective. As Curatorial
Resident at the Walter Phillips Gallery at The Banff Centre for
the Arts she mounted Blanket Statements, an exhibition of art
quilts, and The People's Plastic Princess, a survey of more than
thirty years of Barbie art. During her two-year stay in San
Francisco, Skawennati produced Arts Alliance Laboratory's
monthly CRIT (Critical Reviews of Interactive Technology) nights
and co-curated "New Fangle" for GenArtSF. Her articles have
appeared in Fuse, Horizon Zero, and Mix Magazine.
My artistic projects are responses to simple facts, misconstrued
beliefs, ridiculous generalizations, gross misunderstandings and
the associated legislation surrounding ideas such as "woman",
"Indian", "half-breed", "progress", "success", "desire" and